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Harvey Nichols unveil their Christmas Windows!

I used to love working in visual merchandising.

I worked for Topshop and Brown Thomas in the past. However, creating the Christmas windows was a particular joy to me. I loved that there was no expense spared, no glitter left unstuck, no window left without sparkle. Not to mention, that as a child, I would be driven for two hours to Cork to go and see the Christmas lights. This was a real treat to me and my sister.

We would be thrown into the back of the car with whichever friend was 'the chosen one' that year. A whole bunch of sweets were thrown in with us and off we went. The best part was we were allowed to stop for crap food on the way home.

So Christmas window dressing can make a bigger impact then you realise as a merchandiser.

I was delighted to get an email from Harvey Nichols about their Christmas windows this year. I found it interesting as they listed how many things went into the windows. As someone who did merchandising, this is the bane of your life for those months. I once threaded 60 felt hearts onto invisible wire. I woke up from nightmares with that wire for weeks.

So here is the list of things that go into making the beautiful windows of Harvey Nichols.
  • 1 million flakes of glitter (approx.)
  • 301,500 sequins used
  • 137,000 suction cups bought (each one to be put up by hand )
  • 15,000 gift boxes bought (11 tonnes of boxes freighted)
  • 3259m² of ‘Vegas’ fabric used
  • 2000 washers used to attach gift boxes together
  • 700m of tension wire
  • 620 mirror balls
  • 540 baubles
  • 15kg of glue sticks & 30,000 staples
  • 8 kebabs eaten
  • Over 2,000 cups of tea drunk
Fully understand the tea and kebabs!

The theme of the windows this year is Studio 54. Yes the famous 70s nightclub. The color of the windows is made using 15,000 gift boxes! Spare a second for the person who made all the gift boxes!!!

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