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Week 350: It's Harvest Time

Weekly Written Review 

One moment I'm laying down absorbing the dullness of the day and suddenly everything changed from one simple email. I got an email from an unknown talent agency. The email was vague without a clear introduction. About two sentences. The last sentence stated to give her a call. I wasn't sure what was going on so I had to do some research. I may of gained a slight clue but I still wasn't sure. Finally Facebook helped me identify who this person was. I don't recall the exact dates but let's say over a year ago I met a young girl at a shoot. It took place in a movie theater. I was matched up with the girl and found her interesting. I soon realized that she was underage which explained why her mom was with her. I kept things cordial and gave both the girl and her mom a warm departure when the shoot was over. Months later I saw them both at an audition. Before I left the girl's mom asked me for my card and told me she was going to start an agency. That happened and life went on. Fast forward to now. She actually kept my card and followed up with me on Tuesday. That lead to a phone call on Wednesday. That same  night I emailed my current talent agent and requested to be released theatrically and to stay with them commercially and they approved. Just like that I acquired a new talent agent. I now have two. I'm truly proud and grateful for this new breath of life. I got a new leaf. It's harvest time and I'm claiming it.

Update: I did my research a few days later realized I first met my new agent on Thursday, August 4, 2016. We reconnected less than a year actually. I haven't recalled the second time we met yet.

Sunday,  May 28, 2017

* Low key/relaxing day/Switching...

* Spontaneous trip to Kevin's

Monday, May 29, 2017

* Tennis

* New head shots with Kevin Boot

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

* Same day call for PA work at Fonco Creative

* Amazon Prime booking notice

* Serendipitous email from a talent agency

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

* Basketball sketch related audition. A guy apart of the audition was someone I met at one of my very first auditions. The Doritos sketch shoot back around October of 2010. The video never completed.

* Agent phone call as requested at Denny's

* PA work at Fonco Creative

Thursday, June 1, 2017

* NBA finals game one. Booooo

* PA work at Fonco Creative

* I got a new agent. Yeaaaaa

Friday, June 2, 2017

* Tennis and Basketball

Saturday, June 3, 2017

* Amazon shoot

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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