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Oprah Winfrey will celebrate the 60th anniversary party for $ 100 million

January 29 celebrated the 60th birthday of American television legend Oprah Winfrey. During his life, she managed to become a successful TV presenter, actress, producer and philanthropist.

Sixty. Me for sixty years! I'm so glad that I have lived enough to say these words, and to celebrate this date. I'm sixty. I'm alive. Healthy. Strong. I'm 60, and please do not be offended, I do not care what you think of me. (You know, the old Do I do? Am I right in saying? Who am I, or what I should be?) I'm sixty, and I've done enough to be what I am,

- she wrote a few days before this .

Oprah Winfrey one of those people who "have made themselves».
Mom Oprah was only fifteen years old when her daughter was born. The girl decided to call Orpah Gail Winfrey (biblical name, it was the name of his sister Ruth), but when you make a birth certificate typo happened, and given the name Oprah.

Since mom was still quite small, the girl brought up in grandma's house. It was there in two and a half years, Oprah learned to read. Diction of a young child was so perfect that the local church she read psalms and it was nicknamed "the preacher." At age three, she and her father Vernon travel all over the state, participating in competitions announcer reading.

Oprah grew restless child, but quickly turned from a girl into a woman. At age 9, she learned what sexual domagatelstva: expressed their desire for her family uncles, cousins ​​and friends. A few decades later, it is recognized in the whole country.

When Oprah was 14, she gave birth to a child who, unfortunately, did not live long. Tired of the "troubled teen", her mother sent her daughter to her father. He insisted to Oprah senses and began to study, plan for their future.

His education came to fruition, and at age 17 she won the beauty contest "Miss Tennessee».
Again Ore handy her ability to eloquently express thought. Winning the competition on oratory, Oprah became honorary student at a prestigious university for blacks. Her specialty was the communication.
At the same time, she was trained in radio and television, became the youngest reporter channel CBS. In 1976, she successfully passed the competition on WJZ channel and received a two-year contract. Career Oprah promptly went up, but had to leave the university.

She became a leading 6-hour news, but could not hold on there a long time. Once, talking about another tragedy, Oprah could not resist and sobbed with the words "What a pity the people." For what can not dispassionately bring news to the people, Winfrey moved to the morning show "Baltimore says," for it is meant lowering his career. But Oprah did not despair - now she does not need to hide their emotions, moreover, as a talk show host, she met with many celebrities.

Gradually ratings transmission, which was on the verge of closing, began to creep up, and soon she became very popular. It is leading that is not ashamed of his emotions sincerely empathizes with his guests, was the cause of the popularity of talk shows.

In television career, Oprah tried her in a movie. For her debut film was "Purple wildflowers." For the role of Sophia she was even nominated for an Oscar.

In 1986, Oprah opens his own talk show, which is called "The Oprah Winfrey Show." That's when Oprah got to the peak of glory, and stayed there for more than 25 years. During this time the presenter was not only very popular but also very rich woman.

In 1991, Oprah opens restaurant "Eccentric" in Chicago. Do not forget about it and good deeds. In 1997 she founded a charity foundation named after himself, which helps the poor, orphans, people who are in difficult life situations.

Studio «HARPO», founded in 1988 by Oprah annually brings her millions of dollars.

In private life presenter also all good. Despite the fact that the children she never had, it does not upset her. In one of his interviews, Oprah admitted: "If I had children, he would have hated me .. My friend Gail back in seventh grade, she knew, as they will call her children, at that time I imagined myself Martin Luther King." To motherhood Oprah never sought. Despite his kindness and gentleness, she chose other life accents. It spoils their pets - cocker spaniels, and children considers pupils «Africa's Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls», which is funded her charity foundation.

She now lives in a civil union with Steadman Graham, they have been together for 20 years. Recently, after the death of Nelson Mandela, who was a close friend of civilian spouses, Steadman decided to make her an offer. Perhaps he did it at a party in honor of the birthday of Oprah, which is planned in the near future.
Winfrey decided not to skimp on his beloved and throw a feast for the whole world worth 100 million dollars. In the end, can not afford.

The list of guests expected to be entirely celebrities. Opens the list, of course, the family of President Barack Obama's America. It is noteworthy that will entertain guests skinned musicians Beyonce, Jays, Diane Ross and others.

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