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Week 415: What's Wrong with Fanny Packs!?

Weekly Written Review 

I don't have much to offer my blog this week in terms of accomplishments. I did grind out a bunch of emails for management representation which was a total waste of time. Hey, when you have a spark, you try to make fire. When I finally get management representation for my screenplay, it will be a much more magical situation. Anyway, I do have one funny situation to share. Believe it or not, I'm not a woman magnet in Hollywood. Saying women hate me isn't far from the truth but it doesn't stop me from engaging in conversation. You know what! Let me clarify. Women in Hollywood that classify as a model have no interest in me no what so ever. Plus size women on the other hand, show me love...at times.

Moreover, I did background work on a show called Bosch this week. A sexy young model type lady caught my attention. We later got placed together for the scene. Causal flirting and a few laughs, nothing serious. She mostly told me "We can be friends." It's all entertaining to me. I don't have a motive. We later got wrapped. Now we're all separated, getting our stuff to get on the bus to take us back to base camp. Now she's in front of me with her girlfriend and they're surrounded by a lot of guys and they're talking about dating. Specifically, they're talking about "LA Guys". The girlfriend starts talking about a guy she met that looks good but he had a Fanny Pack and it ruined everything. They both cheerfully agreed how terrible Fanny Packs are. I'm next to them with all my stuff and after about 30 seconds I had enough. I abruptly interrupt their conversation with a yell. I'm like, "Hold up! What's wrong with Fanny Packs!?" Everyone looks towards my waist. The dudes are like, "oooohh." The girl I liked pretty much stepped into the shadows. Her girlfriend at least tried to explain herself. She thought my Fanny Pack wasn't fashionable, basically trying to say it was okay.

The bus took us to the spot, I signed out and I made to sure to address the girl before I left. I told her it was nice meeting her and it's too bad it won't work out between us because you discriminate against guys with Fanny Packs. She basically said, she just thinks it's "suspect" for a guy that wear a Fanny Pack. I personally find her and stuff like this amusing. I could write similar stories like these for days. One thing I do know is that everything comes around full circle. A time will come when she'll (they will) see me in a different position and revaluation their thoughts. Maybe even eat their words and embrace regret. Meanwhile, I enjoy this type of female rejection. Keep them coming. It's fun.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

* Audition video sent

* Got a light bulb to send out some literary manager query letters

* At Kevin's, picked up Pizza

Monday, August 27, 2018

* Sent out a multiple of query letters to managers, no response.

* Could've played tennis today but once I found out Erick wasn't going (meaning he wasn't picking me up) I got lazy and stayed home. My spirits were also slightly low.

* When for a bike ride and enjoyed some french fries and rice

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

* Sent a Disney VO audition. Last night I decided not to do it and this morning I was like what the hell. Let's just get it over with

* Basketball...

* Picked up some cat food for my landlady (Smart & Final)

Wednesday, August 29. 2018

* Chiropractor visit

* Bosch shoot...Fannypack dis

* Turned down background work for tomorrow and I'm glad I did.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

* Basketball...good balling

* Last day of Arielle's Actors Support Group

Friday, August 31, 2018

* Chiropractor visit...I was told it was my last day

* Mango pick up

* Blogging...

Saturday, September 1, 2018

* BBQ and videos games at Kevin's

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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