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Manicure Monday - Ciate Blue Geometric Nails!

Happy Manicure Monday! (yes, that's right - I did my nails this week on a Monday finally!!)

This month the Canadian Beauty Bloggers are focusing on the theme "British Beauty" so I thought for this week's mani I would feature a look using a British nail polish brand (that I love) - Ciate! 

For this week's mani I used:
-Ciate paint pot nail polish in "headliner" (turquoise)
-Ciate paint pot nail polish in "knee highs" (dark blue shimmer)
-formula x nail cleanser and base coat (not pictured)
-sally hansen gel top coat (not pictured)
-nail art brush

This week's manicure was pretty simple - I still only have time for nails right now during baby naps so bear with me!!! I painted each base colour with 2 coats of polish. Then I used a nail art brush with the dark blue polish, painted a big X in the middle and little triangles on the edges. 

Have a great week - what did you do for Manicure Monday?

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