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'I also have a really thick eyebrow, and I used to pluck quite a lot…like, full arch. That was three or four years ago…and it was so feminine looking! I looked like one of those Italian ‘straight guys’. [Laughs] So I stopped, and now they’re just trimmed a bit and touched up in the middle, but I realized I look better with a full eyebrow. If they’re too ‘designed’, I look super gay. Even though I’m gay, I don’t want to look too gay, you know?'

'And then my pubic area I just clip the top above my waistband, but nothing else…and legs are just normal. It’s only in America that people are so crazy about their bodies…going to the gym, being really groomed…everyone’s fanatic. I always just left it; here in Europe no one cares. But now I’m kind of liking it, because you start seeing your muscles.'

- Nicola Formichetti on looking like a 'super gay'

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