The comedian Yoo Jae-Suk was selected as a model for Nonshim's new product, Bae Hong-dong bibim men.
Yoo Jae-Suk was recently selected as an AD model of Bae Hong-dong bibim men and filmed. This AD features the character 'bibibim men Artisan Bae Hong-dong Yoo' to Yo Jae-Suk, who has been active as a bookie in various entertainment programs.
Especially in the public photos, Yo Jae-Suk has a strong color costume and a unique hairstyle, which makes him laugh. Yoo Jae-Suk's costumes are based on the design of 'Bae Hong-dong bibim men' package, with blue sunglasses, red ribbons and long-haired wigs impressive.
“Yoo Jae-Suk has been loved by the public, regardless of gender, and has been selected as the AD model of Bae Hong-dong bibim men,” said a Nonshim official.
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