Today was a busy day for me. I spent a significant portion of today pulling dandelion weeds from the backyard. When the dandelion weed pulling started, there were a huge backyard field full of bright yellow dandelion weeds. The whole task of pulling each and every one of these bright yellow dandelion weeds from the ground to turn green with frequent peppering of bright yellow to only bright green appeared to be impossible. So I went from down to up a small portion of the backyard until all the dandelion weeds were pulled from the soil roots and all. Then I went down to up another small portion of the backyard until all the dandelion weeds were pulled from the soil roots and all. Soon, half of the grassy field was free of dandelion weeds, but the dandelion weeds kept infesting the entire right side. So I went from down to up another small portion of the backyard until all the dandelion weeds were pulled from the soil roots and all. I kept doing this over and over until all the dandelion weeds were gone from the backyard. What appeared to be impossible was now possible. Now I can enjoy a backyard that's free of dandelion weeds once and for all.
And as I'm lost in thought about the subject of dandelion weeds, here are some photos of Emilia Clarke.
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