On Saturday I got together with Scott Gray to throw some ideas around for more Fin Fang Four stories. We didn't have any shortage of them, as it turns out, although whether Marvel will be interested in them is another question; if they'd prefer me to draw them, they might have to wait a while. But we definitely came away from our brainstorming session with the feeling that we still had a ton of stories to tell.
Currently working on a comic project for Time Out's Four Feet From a Rat comic supplement (second issue sampler available here), a one-off bit of satirical fluff featuring London's Wodehousean cartoon Mayor, Boris Johnson, as a 30s-style pulp adventure hero, beating the crap out of communists and other undesirables. (I say Wodehousean -- there is a sense in which you think Boris has stolen Hugh Grant's stammering act -- but at the same time you can't help thinking he'd have no hesitation in having every one of us lined up and shot.) Not my own script, but funny stuff nonetheless, and full colour as well. And it's Time Out. Worth having that name on the old resume.
Just finished writing a Pigs In Space two-pager for the new Muppet comic this morning. I'm really happy with it, especially for a first draft. It's the first day since I started writing the Muppets again where I felt everything click. Hopefully there'll be more of those days to come.
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