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Punk or mod? Why not both?

Last Saturday I did two things that were so opposite, but both were related to music.

At 8 o'clock I went to Razzmatazz for a punk concert: The Exploited with one of my beloved punk bands: The Adicts! I wasn't on the first row because there were lots of people making pogo, and I was alone (and had another party after that, so I was dressed like in the first picture for a punk concert, yes).

But the upside part of Razz was open, and I could sit down and see everything from a good place! Sorry if the pictures are not as good as usual :(! Click for a bigger one :D

The Exploited
The Adicts, they were FABULOUS!

After this, I had a party with Laia in the basement of a restaurant... yes, yes! The basement! The place is called "Taxidermista", and once a month they do a party where the music they play is in a vinyl format... so the sound was great! There was my dear Victor; I really love this guy, he's so funny!

Laia & me, and with Victor!
I didn't know the name of this girl but she was great!

Laia was really pretty with her vintage dress... she bought it the day I bought my 50's sailor dress at Gracia, do you remember? So, that day, I found her this gorgeous dress too!

And I was wearing a vintage skirt I bought the other day... I really love the colour, isn't it adorable? Oh, by the way, there you can see my new bag, bought in Amsterdam! It's from the Van Gogh Museum!

Shirt - Forever 21
Skirt - Vintage
Socks - Calzedonia
Shoes - Melissa
Bag - Van Gogh Museum
Hair scarf - H&M

So, punk or mod? Why don't both? I am, indeed!

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